Distracting Ourselves from Living: A Look at Meaning and Pleasure

When we can't find meaning in our lives, we look for easy escapes. Can this cycle be broken?


3/6/20243 min read

"When a person can't find a deep sense of meaning, they distract themselves with pleasure." - Frankl
"When a person can't find a deep sense of meaning, they distract themselves with pleasure." - Frankl

"When a person can't find a deep sense of meaning, they distract themselves with pleasure." - Viktor Frankl

Modern Translation: If we lack purpose, we may chase empty thrills for temporary fulfillment.


  • True or false? Do you agree?

  • Do you ever feel like you're going through the motions without a sense of purpose?

  • What distractions do you turn to when you feel a lack of meaning?

Simple Explanation

Viktor Frankl, a psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, believed that finding meaning in life was a driving force for human beings. When we lack meaning, we may resort to fleeting pleasures to numb the existential emptiness within.

Deep Dive

The Stoics had a similar viewpoint. They believed true fulfillment comes from living a virtuous life in alignment with our values. Epictetus reminds us, “It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.” Finding meaning lies in choosing our responses to life's challenges, not in seeking external distractions. Marcus Aurelius emphasized focusing on what we have power over: "You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength." The Stoics believed that pleasure shouldn't be our primary goal, but a byproduct of a life well-lived.

The Stoics also advocated for the pursuit of eudaimonia, often translated as "flourishing" or "living well." For them, this wasn't about pleasure as we often understand it, but rather, a deep sense of fulfillment born from aligning with reason and virtue. They recognized that seeking comfort and distraction would always leave us wanting more. In this way, both Frankl and the Stoics would question the modern obsession with constant entertainment as a substitute for finding true meaning.

This pursuit of purpose over pleasure can be challenging, especially in a world designed to offer tempting shortcuts. Marcus Aurelius faced similar temptations – as Emperor of Rome, all the luxuries of the world were at his disposal. Yet, in his Meditations, he wrestled with the fleeting nature of such pleasures, ultimately finding solace in duty and service. This demonstrates that even those with all the external means possible must consciously choose where to direct their focus for true contentment.

The Stoics offer guidance for those struggling to find meaning amidst distractions. They advise focusing our energy inward, becoming aware of our thought patterns and emotional triggers. This self-awareness helps us discern between actions that truly serve us and those that simply provide temporary relief. Seneca, in his Letters from a Stoic, reminds us that "true happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future." By breaking down our goals into smaller steps aligned with our values, we create a sense of direction and achievement, which is far more fulfilling than endlessly chasing after the next thrill.

Applicable Situations

  • Feeling uninspired in your job or relationships

  • Getting caught up in overspending or excessive social media use

  • Chasing "the next thing" without ever feeling truly content

Action Items

  • Reflect on your core values: What truly matters to you in life?

  • Pursue activities aligned with your values: This creates more lasting satisfaction than empty distractions.

  • Practice mindfulness: Observe your thoughts and feelings to recognize patterns of pleasure-seeking.

Modern Connections

The film The Matrix explores a similar concept, where humans are plugged into a simulation of pleasure while their real purpose is ignored. It's a powerful allegory about our own potential to be lulled into an unconscious existence.

Our fast-paced, consumerist culture often tempts us with instant gratification. Mindless scrolling or binge-watching series may seem harmless, but Frankl and the Stoics would warn us about their potential to distract us from finding true purpose.

Consider how celebrities sometimes fill their lives with extravagant possessions and partying, yet often grapple with inner turmoil. This reflects the emptiness of seeking meaning solely in fleeting delights.

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