Folks are usually about as happy as they make up their mind up to be. - Abraham Lincoln
Like the Stoics, Abraham Lincoln understood that much of our happiness is determined by our own mindset.
3/18/20243 min read

The Choice of Happiness: A Stoic-Inspired Perspective
Quote: "Folks are usually about as happy as they make up their minds to be." - Abraham Lincoln
A Modern Translation: To a large degree, we choose our level of happiness by the way we think and respond to life's circumstances.
Simple Explanation: While we can't always control what happens to us, we have some control over how we react. The Stoics emphasized the power of our inner thoughts and attitudes in shaping our experience of the world.
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Do you believe you have control over your own happiness? Why or why not?
Can you think of a time when your attitude made a challenging situation better (or worse)?
What helps you shift your mindset when you're feeling negative?
Deep Dive:
The Power of Perspective: Marcus Aurelius advocated for viewing challenges as opportunities for growth. Our perspective can turn an obstacle into a stepping stone toward greater resilience.
Focus on What We Can Control: Epictetus emphasized the distinction between what lies within our power (our thoughts, beliefs, actions) and what doesn't. This empowers us to focus our energy productively rather than waste it on worrying.
Challenging Negative Thoughts: Like modern-day Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Stoics believed in examining our thoughts. Are they accurate? Helpful? Replacing negative thought patterns with more balanced ones improves our mood and overall outlook.
Gratitude as a Practice: Cultivating gratitude shifts our focus from what we lack to appreciating the good in our lives. This practice naturally promotes a more positive and content mindset.
Stoicism and Positive Psychology: Modern research in positive psychology aligns with Stoic beliefs. Both emphasize that while we can't control everything, our mindset plays a crucial role in our happiness and well-being.
Applicable Situations:
Dealing with Setbacks: When we face disappointments or failures, it's easy to get discouraged. Stoicism offers tools to reframe the situation, focus on what we can control, and maintain perspective.
Challenging Relationships: We can't control others' behavior, but we can control our reactions. Stoic wisdom helps us respond with greater composure and focus on solutions rather than getting caught in negativity.
Coping with Stress: Stoic practices promote inner calm even amidst external chaos. By focusing on our thoughts and reactions, we can find greater peace, regardless of our circumstances.
Action Items:
Mindful Mornings: Start your day by setting an intention to find moments of joy and appreciate the good, no matter what challenges may arise.
"Catch and Challenge" Negative Thoughts: Notice when negative self-talk arises. Ask yourself: "Is this realistic? Is there another way to see this?"
Gratitude Journal: Take a few minutes daily to write down 3 things you're grateful for. This helps train your brain to habitually notice the positive.
Modern Connections:
The Book "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl: This powerful memoir demonstrates the ultimate Stoic principle. Frankl, a Holocaust survivor, found meaning and purpose within unimaginable suffering, showing us the unyielding power of the human spirit.
The Movie "The Pursuit of Happyness": Based on a true story, this film depicts a man, played by Will Smith, facing homelessness and adversity. His unwavering spirit and focus on what he can control offer a real-world example of Stoic resilience.
The work of Shawn Achor and the Happiness Advantage: This positive psychology researcher echoes Stoic ideas. He emphasizes that by changing our mindset, we change our reality, ultimately enhancing our overall performance and well-being.
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