The Price Hike Rollercoaster: A Stoic Perspective on the Ups and Downs of Everyday Costs
Uncover the whirlwind of rising costs in today's world and discover Stoic insights that navigate the ebb and flow of economic cycles.
1/20/20242 min read

Ouch, right? Everything from your rent to that Uber ride feels like it's gone into overdrive, leaving even the most patient person grumbling. And hey, don't feel bad – even a Stoic sage like Seneca would've been cool with lower prices. But before we all drown in our collective latte tears, let's take a step back and ponder a Stoic twist on this inflation rollercoaster.
The truth is, our outrage over prices tends to be loudest when they sting the most. For years, many things were ridiculously cheap – so cheap that companies were practically throwing money at us just to stay afloat. Housing, for example, was still reeling from the 2008 crash and rock-bottom interest rates. Heck, even those empty highways and speedy airport lines were courtesy of, well, you know what.
But how much did we truly appreciate that affordability while it lasted? Did we stop to think it might not be forever?
Stoicism teaches us to see through both the sugar highs and the bitter lows. It reminds us that life, like that wonky seesaw in your neighborhood park, tends to balance itself out – not by some cosmic hand, but by the natural ebb and flow of markets, cycles, and people's changing desires. Prices rise and fall, power shifts, and what's hot today might be yesterday's news tomorrow.
The key, say the Stoics, is to keep your cool in the face of these wobbly cycles. Don't let every price shift twist you into a knot. Remember, it's not the event itself that bothers us, but how we choose to interpret it. And guess what? Those interpretations, those opinions about what's "good" and "bad" – those are the only things we can truly control.
So, the next time you face that eye-watering bill, take a deep breath and zoom out. See the bigger picture, where artificially low prices were just a blip, a temporary bend in the seesaw. Focus on what you can control – your thoughts, your reactions. Don't let external events, like a few extra zeros on a receipt, hijack your inner peace.
Because ultimately, the cost of anything is never as high as the price of losing your stoic calm. Stay wise, stay centered, and remember, this too shall pass – even if it means taking the stairs for a while.