The Value of Measured Speech
Stoic wisdom reminds us that there is power in choosing our words carefully.
3/4/20242 min read

"Let silence be your general rule; or say only what is necessary and in few words." - Epictetus
Modern Translation: Speak less, listen more. When you do speak, make your words count.
Do you agree? Do you tend to fill silences with nervous chatter?
When was the last time you bit your tongue and saved yourself unnecessary drama?
Are you someone who prioritizes listening over speaking?
Simple Explanation: The Stoics believed that excessive chatter was often unwise and unnecessary. It can lead to misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and wasted time. By being more mindful of our words, we can cultivate better communication and inner peace.
Deep Dive: This quote doesn't mean becoming mute. It means recognizing when your contribution adds value versus merely adding noise. Seneca, another prominent Stoic, warned against this, saying, “If you wish to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid.”
The Stoics valued self-discipline, and speech was a key area for control. Marcus Aurelius echoed this in his Meditations, "Be silent for the most part, or say only what is necessary and in a few words.” They believed rash, excessive speaking indicated a disordered mind.
Applicable Situations:
Heated arguments and tense negotiations.
When you're unsure of a situation and need to gather more information.
Gossip or situations where words can do unnecessary harm to others.
Action Items:
Practice active listening – fully focus on the other person.
Before speaking, ask yourself: Is this kind? Is this true? Is this necessary?
Set a timer for "silent reflection" each day, even if just for a few minutes.
Modern Connections: This wisdom isn't confined to ancient times. Think of the scene in the movie "The Godfather" where Don Corleone advises his son Michael, "Never let anyone know what you are thinking." There's power in calculated silence.
Athletes like Kobe Bryant or Tom Brady are known for their intense focus and ability to say what's needed without unnecessary bluster. The same applies to successful entrepreneurs. Excess talk can reveal weaknesses, while strategic speech builds trust.
The viral "quiet quitting" trend could be reframed through a Stoic lens. Instead of disengagement, it can be about doing our work with excellence without needing external validation through constant self-promotion.
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