“You cannot hope to make progress in areas where you have taken no action.” - Epictetus
Ancient wisdom tells us that wishing alone won't generate change; we must act to become who we want to be.
3/9/20242 min read

Action: The Key to Progress
A Modern Translation: You won't see any progress in your life if you don't put in the work.
Foreword: Ancient wisdom tells us that wishing alone won't generate change; we must act to become who we want to be.
Quote: “You cannot hope to make progress in areas where you have taken no action.” - Epictetus
Are you actively working towards the change you want to see in yourself?
Where are you feeling stuck in life, and what action could you start taking?
How would your life be different if you prioritized consistent action in important areas?
Simple Explanation: This quote from the Stoic philosopher Epictetus highlights the importance of action. Daydreaming about goals won't make them happen. We need to take consistent steps, even small ones, to achieve what we desire.
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Deep Dive: Epictetus, like other Stoics, believed in focusing on what we can control. We can't control outcomes, but we can control our actions. Action is where our power lies. To progress, we must move beyond thoughts and wishes, and direct our energy towards concrete steps.
This wisdom aligns with Marcus Aurelius' reminder in Meditations to stop talking and start doing: "Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one." Ideas mean nothing without action.
Seneca, too, echoed this. In his Letters from a Stoic, he urges us not to just study philosophy, but to live it. He asks, "What progress have I made? I have begun to be my own friend." Knowledge needs to be accompanied by applying it in our daily lives.
This focus doesn't mean ignoring obstacles. Zeno of Citium, the founder of Stoicism, compared progress to an archer aiming for a target. Our goal is to take skillful action, even if external factors sometimes cause us to miss the mark.
Applicable Situations
Procrastination: Putting off crucial tasks
Feeling Stuck: Sensing a lack of growth personally or professionally
Goal Setting: Needing the motivation to achieve a dream or aspiration
Action Items
Break big goals down: Overwhelming goals lead to paralysis. Make the initial actions minuscule.
Prioritize consistency: Daily, small steps compound over time.
Embrace "Imperfect" Action: Don't let the pursuit of perfection stop you from starting.
Modern Connections:
Imagine a basketball player only visualizing their shots, but never practicing on the court. Skills require action to develop. Just like Michael Jordan famously said, "I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."
The movie "The Pursuit of Happyness": Chris Gardner's relentless action in the face of adversity exemplifies this quote. He won't just hope for a better life – he actively creates it.
The Shawshank Redemption: Andy Dufresne's relentless pursuit of freedom, meticulously chipping away at the prison wall year after year, epitomizes this Stoic principle. He doesn't simply hope for escape; he takes consistent, arduous action toward that distant goal. His quiet persistence highlights the power of steady effort even within a bleak, seemingly unchangeable environment.
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